Everyone attending, including special guests and volunteers, is required to agree with the following code of conduct.
Every game in the free play rooms really is FREE to play, with no quarters/tokens needed. Designated charity fund-raiser and tournament games, usually placed in special zones, are the only ones requiring money to play. Modern games allow free play pricing to be set in the software. If the game does not start when the Start button is pressed, look for an additional button that simulates inserting a coin.
Each game has a “game card” that indicates whether the game is for sale or just being displayed with pride by its owner and not for sale. If for sale, the card should have information about how to contact the owner. Sale of a game is a transaction between the buyer and seller, where Pintastic LLC only applies the encumbrance of an early-removal fee, which we collect from the person attempting to remove the game during certain hours.
If you start a game, please finish your game. Exception: at closing time, Staff may shut games off without waiting for you to finish. After finishing each game, look around to see if others are waiting to play it. If so, please allow the next person(s) to play. If you want to play more, please go to the back of the line and wait your turn again. Playing a multi-player game is a good way to socialize! It says right on the backglass that it’s more fun to compete!
Please treat each machine respectfully. Do not place food or beverages on the playfield glass. Abusive handling such as punching, kicking, lifting, tipping, or rocking a machine, or hitting the glass in any way, is grounds for a warning and possible ejection from the show.
Please report any problems you find by telling a Tech Team member, filling out a repair ticket, or calling the phone number on the game card. Games are supposed to be on free play and lack of credits is considered a reportable problem on games that do not directly support free-play pricing.
In the seminar room, please suppress noises from your cell phone and your children. Seminars may be recorded for future dissemination.
Additional conduct rules applicable to tournaments are posted where the tournament is conducted.
Parents must supervise their kids at all times. Encourage the excitement you see in younger generations; they are the next game coders, designers, artists, and entrepreneurs.
If taking pictures, please obtain consent from the people being photographed. Pintastic may have photographers taking publicity pictures, in which case, your attendance constitutes permission that photos containing your image/likeness may be used, without compensation, for publicity or general information purposes including publication on this website or within other publicity which may be seen by the general public.
Our show is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion (or lack thereof). Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
Weapons are prohibited. Any express or implied threats or actions of violence are grounds for immediate ejection from the facility, and authorities will be contacted. Other possible grounds for ejection include but are not limited to fraud, theft, illegal activity, harrassment, inappropriate behavior, public drunkenness, etc. Any person ejected from the facility is banned and may not return to the property. Banned persons will be prosecuted for trespass if necessary.
Thank you for your cooperation. Now go have some fun!